Krav Maga

At Hopkinsville Martial Arts

Krav Maga class group photo at Hopkinsville Martial Arts
  • Private Intro Lesson
  • T-shirt
  • 30 Days of UNLIMITED Training

Call 270-305-2177 for more information!

Our Krav Maga program is for those busy adults who want to get fit and be safe!

Many people ask, “What is Krav Maga“. To use an analogy, “it is fitness kickboxing on steroids.” Our number one objective in our Krav Maga classes is to make you safer! There are bad people in the world, and there isn’t anything we can do about that except prepare ourselves. We take easy to remember and effective self defense techniques and turn them into a workout.

The Workout That Could Save Your Life“, is recognized as the worlds’ most efficient self-defense for real-life situations, emphasizing practical defenses against real attacks, Krav Maga is unlike most martial arts that are formal, ritual-oriented and difficult to learn. The training combines these self defense techniques and an intense workout to build your fitness level.

You will get into awesome shape! Our classes are designed to wear you out to make you realize that you can push through fatigue and go beyond what you thought was possible. These are the attributes that will get you through an actual attack.

Krav Maga feels that if a technique is not effective when you are dead tired and at your worst it is not worth knowing. When you leave a class it is a great feeling of physical accomplishment through a tough, challenging workout.

Our students also leave with an empowerment that they have new tools in the event of an attack. You will get into better shape with regular attendance. AND, you will KNOW that you are tough and that you can take care of yourself!

Ready to get started?

Give us a call: (270) 305-2177